Kings Plant Barn: Newsletter
Kings Seasonal Scoop Re-design

Kings Seasonal Scoop Re-design

I redesigned the "Seasonal Scoop" as part of an interview procedure for Kings as a graphic designer. Unfortunately the company required more HTML experience than I have so they went elsewhere to fill the position.

I chose more fitting images also used the company's main colour pallet to try and tie the overall aesthetic together. Areas like the photographs I gave subtle colour filters of washed yellow and green to reinforce the colour layout of the overall design.

To fit with the company's organic, eco-friendly direction, I suggested these be printed on recycled paper. Again, the washed colours I think would fit nicely with the recycled brown paper, as it would reinforce the organic aesthetic that the branding is trying to engage.

I tried to make use of subtle colour shades and also create stronger titles, using multiple fonts without feeling cluttered or overwhelming to the entire piece.